Australia's private wealth is our most important advantage.
Australia has many industries that are among the most efficient in the world due to sound management or natural advantages.
The role of leadership, be it political, union or business should be help Australians understand the cause of our problems is man-made and can be undone.
Without leadership, Australians will probably not stumble out of our well-established round of slow growth, poor investment and current account deficits.
A vengeful man should not be entrusted with the power of the Prime Minister.
The 'Future Directions' statement implies an overdue recognition that ideas have inspirational authority and is an alternative to messianic leadership which the Liberals do not have.
Mr McLachlan's H.R Nichols Society address was significant in that it addressed waterfront work practices and he is a future Liberal MP with leadership potential.
Dick Klugman, a Labour MP is retiring this election, he has been a voice of sanity and his greatest success according to him has been influencing his colleagues to look more critically at commonly accepted propositions.