Before we give governments that power to do damage to the world economy, we need to be reasonable sure that there is a crisis in the world ecosystem and that any action proposed as net benefits.
Miners are ordinary people who for the most part, love nature. By demonising them, environmentalists gave up the chance for BHP to use its resources for their cause.
Even with land degradation being a serious issue, most cases can be avoided by individuals managing their own affairs in an orderly manner. We do not need a totalitarian organisation telling farmers what to do with their land.
Mr Greiner's 'Earth Day' speech outlined an approach to environmental management that doesn't prevent the achievement of other values which most people hold dear.
The average collectivist greens person does not want to increase immigration either because of greed or prejudice. However, a larger population will preserve the environment if a system of private property rights is maintained.
Dr Bruce Ames is a scientist that has specialised in carcinogens and he has indicated that we consume trace amounts of deadly chemicals and we should vary our diet to ensure the exposure is remains small.
The Coalition lost the chance to win the votes of ordinary sensible environmentalists, it could have announced the best possible combination of environmentalism and jobs.
Governments thinking of using regulations to protect the environment should take into account any externalities them proceed with caution and having respect for the rule-of-law and democracy.