// note this creates a log file in the same directory but you might have to clear the cache to see it error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); ?>
The second lunch held by Mannkal. Topics Include: CSR, criticisms, reduction of economic freedom and comp., Sustainable Development, tech advancement and sustainability
The first lunch held by Mannkal. Topics include: Soviet Collapse, U.S. tight/easy money approach, tax cuts and deregulation, globalisation vs environmentalists, terrorism & government control over freedom
An evening with Jocelyn Maxwell - Jocelyn graduated with a BA at Melbourne University in 1952 with Majors in Econmics and Political Science. Jocelyns CV includes; Security Analust with WM Noal & Son (Sharebrokers), Ian Porter % Co Melbourne, Mt Isa Mines Lts as Market Analyst. Conferences Jocelyn has spoken at include: International Society for Individial Liberty, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness at San Diego, and Ludwig Von Mises Institute at Auburin, Alabama.