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Local Government – a major concern

High on the list of the younger generation’s concerns, is the ‘messiness’ of Western Australia’s local governments. 

Because local government is ‘closer to the people’, one expects it to be more accountable and more respected, but the opposite seems to apply, with so many local councils ‘under administration’ or subject to ‘inquiries’.

When we moved our Mannkal Foundation office from West Perth to Subiaco, in 2010, we had hoped to move to a ‘vibrant community’, a reputation which, over many years, Subiaco had gained.

Coming from one of the ‘country regions’ I had memories of families driving to Perth to spend a day at the famous Subiaco Markets.

Instead, when we moved from West Perth to Subiaco, we found ourselves operating from a ‘morgue like mode’ with a Council dedicated to stalling any new investment, leading to the current tragedy of vacant shops and deserted streets.

Suddenly the lights have been turned on…. and we know why.

On September 11th, 2019 we launched my latest book:

On that evening we were thrilled to host Subiaco’s new Mayor, Penny Taylor, and fellow Councillor Derek Nash.

Our Mannkal scholars, at that event, took this opportunity to meet and speak with the Mayor, resulting in quite an air of optimism throughout the office, on Subiaco’s future.

Investment is again welcomed and with it will come the vibrancy and prosperity as Subiaco, again, leads the way.

Local government elections are scheduled for Oct. 19th, 2019 so please ensure that your vote goes to pro-investment, pro-development, pro-prosperity candidates.


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