Libertarian Tape Library

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1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s Other 


Chicago Economics vs Austrian Economics - Murray Rothbard 1971
The Libertarian Temperament - Dr. John Hospers 1973
Sickness & Socialism, Limited Government - John Whiting 27 November 1973
Farmers Union - Ron Manners 1975
Selling America, Amway Corporation - Rich De Vos 1975
Tax Interrogation Oct 23, 1975, Tax Phone Call Oct 27 1975
ABC Forrestania Nickel - Ron Manners 22 November 1975
Comparisons U.S. & Australian Mining Scene - Eugene Guccione 1976
Hayek Monday Conference - Friedrich Hayek 1976
Professor Friedrich A Hayek Monday Conference October 11 1976
Tax Rebel From the West - Ron Manners 1977
Libertariansim around the World, Mont Pelerin Society 1978
Peter Sawyer Interview Sydney 2GB 1978-80
Viv Forbes 1978
Governor Sir Wallace Kyle 30 May 1978
REDO Tom Wards, RBM LJM - Tom Wards 1979


Winning in the 80s, Tape 1 - Dr. Denis E. Waitley
Winning in the 80s, Tape 2 - Dr. Denis E. Waitley
Winning in the 80s, Tape 5 - Dr. Denis E. Waitley
Winning in the 80s, Tape 6 - Dr. Denis E. Waitley
Court Appearance - Ron Manners 1980
Harry Brown World Money Analyst 1982 Hong Kong Investment Seminar
Malcom Fraser interview by Eugene Guccione - 26 August 1982
The Libertarian Revolution - Dr. John Hospers 1984
Trade Union Power - John Burton 1984
RBM Interview, ABC - John Bowen 9 August 1985
March 1987 - Global 2000 By Rev Lindsey
Howard Ruff Semiar - 21 January 1988
John Lane + Question Time - December 1988
Government Waste - J. Peter Grace 1989
R.J. Bidinotto, Part 1 - Fee Conference on Freedom, September 30,1989


The Freeman on Tape - Isaiah's Job 1990
Freeman January 1990
Freeman March 1990
Freeman - May 1990
Freeman June 1990
Freeman July 1990
The Freeman on Tape - Seleted Articles, September 1990
Freeman October 1990
Freeman November 1990
Binduli ECM, ABC Interview - Mei-John 23 November 1995
Atlas Shrugged & Unintended Consequences Compared - Dr. John Hospers 1996
Computers & Technology, Libertarians need to know - ISIL 1996
ABC Radio Interview, Nickel Mining - Ron Manners 1997


Minds of our Time,Toward the Year 2000 - Kahn Thompson


American Entrepreneur Radio - Ron Manners & Jerry Bowyer 12 December 2011
Ayn Rand & John Hyde Birthdays - Ayn Rand & John Hyde 2 February 2014


The Freeman on Tape - The Growth of Government in the U.S. August 2020


A vision of liberty - Bruce Evans
American Entrepreneur Radio - Ron Manners & Jerry Bowyer
Anthem - Ayn Rand
Ayn Ran The virtues of selfishness
Basic Principles of Objectivism, The Benevolent Sense of Life - Branden
Basic Principles of Objectivism, The Psychology of Sex - Branden
Basic Principles of Objectivism, What is reason
Basic Principles of Objectivism
Basic Principles of Objectivismn, Logic and Mysticism
Black and Purple Cassette
Brian Wilshire & Peter Swayer
Buckley DAX, Stewart S.
Communism, Anti-Christ, Fatima - Wallace Johnson Tape 2
Dr Murray Rothbard compares Chicago and Austrian schools of economics
Economy in Crisis; Government Regulation Problems and Prospects
Efficient Thinking, The nature of clear thinking - Nathaniel Branden
Farm Politics - Ron Manners
Free Entertprise Russell Prowse
Free Will, The fallacy of psychological determinism - Nathaniel Branden
Freedom or Slavery Rich de Vos
Government and The Individual, Freedom vs compulsion - Nathaniel Branden
Green and Black Cassette
H.L.Mencken Speaking - H.L.Mencken & Donald Hoew Kirkley, Sr.
Healing the World through Wealth Creation
How Futures Markets can Solve Policy Problems - Paul R Knapp
IEA Novak
International Tax Planning - The Law Peter Clyne
Interview with a Socialist. Buckley Interviews Williams
Introduction to Objectivist Philosophy, Worker's Party - Ron Manners
Liam Sanchez Charles Interviews - Ron Manners & Liam Sanchez
Ludwig Von Mises - Why Socialism Always Fails
MONEX No. 7, Government Regulation
Mine Financing Our Monetary Situation - Eugene Guccione
Mine financing & our Monetary Situation - Eugene Guccione
Minority Group Unemployment - Professor Walter Williams
Nan Witcomb Radio 6 KG
New Age of Thinking Lou Tice
Now is the Time, Do it Today - Jay Van Andel
Orange Black Tape
Populism - W.M. Buckley
Prince Leonard general home discussion
Prince Leonard
Questions and Answers with C.V.Myers Pt 1
Questions and Answers with C.V.Myers Pt 2
RBM Birthday Speeches, 60th Birthday
Real And Counterfeit Money - Eugene Guccione
Relaxing, Lilypad Pond Affirmation
Roger Macbride & William F.Buckley
Rousseau - Dr George Walsh #1
Rousseau - Dr George Walsh #2
Rousseau Dr George Walsh #2
Rousseau and the collectivist concept of freedom by Dr George Walsh part 1
Sassi 21st party
Sassi Intervie with president carter
Say no to the New World Order - The Anthony J Hilder Shower
Sir Winston Churchill
Speed Read - Volume III, Tape 2
Summary of WMA WV Seminar
Sundry Interviews
Tax Cuts Pt 1- William Russia
Tax Cuts Pt 2
Tax Havens Robert Strong
Tax Interrogation (Nixon)
Tax Rebel From The West Radio 5DN Adelaide
The Benevolent Sense of Life - Branden
The Concept of God - Branden
The Enlightenment - George Walsh Ph.D.
The Essence of Freedom - Leonard E.Read
The Evil of Self-Sacrifice, The ethics of altruism - Nathaniel Branden
The Fall of the Ivory Tower - George Roche
The Freeman on Tape - Adam Smith
The Joh Factor - Jeremy Lee
The Limits of Government by John Passmore Tape 1
The Limits of Government by John Passmore Tape 2
The Limits of Government by John Passmore Tape 3
The Nature of Evil, Why evil is impotent - Nathaniel Branden
The Politics of Liberty - Dr. John Hospers
The Psychology of Dependece - Branden
The Psychology of Sex - Branden
The Vanashing Freedom of the Press
Threats to Free Enterprise - Inflation Dr W, Phillip Gramm
Tuccille- The psychology and Politics of Libertariansim
Twin City Drive in Protest, ABC News Item - John G.
Victimless Crimes Dr Nathaniel Branden
West Rebel
What Environmentalists really want - Eugene Guccione
What Now for Gold & Gold Clause Contracts - N.L. Deak & H.M.Holzer
What has God ever done for you, ABC - Kel Richards
What to do with your Money - Alan Bond & Kevin Parry
Why the Workers Party Progress Party - Ron Manners Compressed Version
Why the Workers Party Progress Party - Ron Manners
Workers Party, Cassette III - Maxwell Newton & John Singleton
Writing Affirmations - Lou Tice
Mannkal Presentation - 4 February